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In this collection of twelve dark, unerring and surprising short stories, John Boyne explores the extremities of the human condition in all its brilliance and brutality. The secrets we keep and the ways in which they shape us, the impossibility of shared loss, the lengths we will go to in order to protect our families and the distance we will run to protect ourselves.

Drawing on a host of enthralling characters - a farmer, a cuckold and a teenager exploring his sexuality; good parents, bad parents, writers and soldiers; a student, a rent boy and a hitman - Boyne examines the hopeful and the damaged without prejudice or judgement.

This, his first collection of short stories, is some of John Boyne's finest writing to date. It includes ?Rest Day' which won the 2015 Short Story of the Year award in Ireland.

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John Boyne

John Boyne

(Dublín, Irlanda, 1971) Escritor irlandés. Se formó en el Trinity College y en la Universidad de East Anglia, en Norwich. De sus seis novelas publicadas anteriormente destaca “El niño con el pijama de rayas”, que se ha traducido a más de cuarenta idiomas, fue ganadora de dos Irish Book Awards y finalista del British Book Award, también ha sido llevada al cine. Otras obras destacadas del autor: “Motín en la Bounty”, “La casa del propósito especial”, “La apuesta”, “El ladrón de tiempo”, “El increíble caso de Barnaby Brocket... [Leer más]

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