24,77 €

  • Editorial: HARPER COLLINS
  • Año de edición:
  • Materia: Otras biografías
  • ISBN: 978-0-06-052569-9
  • Páginas: 800
  • Colección: < Genérica >
  • Idioma: Español


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u003cpu003eIn May 2001 Bob Dylan will be sixty years old. Ten years ago, Clinton Heylin published his groundbreaking biography of the man. Behind the Shades, which The New Yorker recently singled out as "the most readable and reliable" of all Dylan biographies.u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eThis new, updated version has been completely rewritten from the bottom up, is significantly enlarged, and takes into account not only the last tumultuous decade of Dylan's life, but an additional decade of research by the author. The result is the definitive biography of the man many argue is the singular figure in twentieth-century popular culture.u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eBob Dylan: Behind the Shades Revisited follows Dylan along one of the most extraordinary and daring paths ever taken by a performing artist:u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003culu003eu003c/liu003eu003c/ulu003eu003cliu003e his awkward childhood in Minnesotau003c/liu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003cliu003e his arrival in New York and rise as the unwitting leader of a political folk revolutionu003c/liu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003cliu003e his controversial move toward electric rocku003c/liu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003cliu003e the spooky and uniquely American Basement Tapesu003c/liu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003cliu003e his forays into country-western music the lost albums of the eighties his paranoia, addiction, and seclusionu003c/liu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003cliu003e his reemergence after a near-fatal 1997 heart infection with the triple Grammy Award-winning Time Out of Mindu003c/liu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003cliu003e the endless touring lifeu003c/liu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eu003cliu003e the hundreds of timeless songs that have become a part of American and worldwide consciousnessu003c/liu003eu003c/ulu003eu003c/pu003eu003cpu003eMost biographies of Bob Dylan are mired in the sixties, but Bob Dylan: Behind the Shades Revisited is the only one that gives equal weight to all the extraordinary phases of Dylan's forty-year career.u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eAs ever, Dylan remains an endlessly fascinating, mysterious, and obsessively private man. For years he has managed to keep much of his personal life a secret, and Clinton Heylin, Dylan's most prolific chronicler, remains the first biographer to give the world a true sense of what drives, inspires, influences, and shapes the man behind the music, the man behind the shades.u003c/pu003e

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