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Ideal for elementary or pre-intermediate learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.'There's some bad weather out there,' Captain MacWhirr said to himself just before he sailed his ship, the Nan-Shan, into the middle of the most terrible storm in the South China Sea.The typhoon brings out the best in some men on the ship, and the worst in others. Can MacWhirr bring the ship through the storm safely? And what will happen to all the poor Chinese workers travelling down in the ship's hold?

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Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad

(Berdiczew, 1857 - Bishopsbourne, 1924) Novelista británico de origen polaco considerado uno de los más grandes escritores modernos. Hijo de un noble polaco, quedó huérfano a los once años y estuvo bajo la tutela de su abuela y su tío paternos. A los dieciséis abandonó Polonia rumbo a Marsella, donde inició su andadura como marino mercante, que lo llevaría en una primera etapa a comerciar con armas para las tropas carlistas españolas y a un intento de suicidio.Ante la imposibilidad de llegar a oficial en la marina francesa, se trasla... [Leer más]

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