17,90 €

  • Editorial: UPC
  • Año de edición:
  • Materia: Arquitectura.Urbanismo
  • ISBN: 978-84-9880-802-5
  • Páginas: 240
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • Colección: < Genérica >
  • Idioma: Inglés


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The main feature that defines the ETSAB is the particular profile of their teachers, whom reconciles academy and professional activity in one. Conversely, one of the historical shortcomings of the School has been the absence of the figure of the Visiting Professor, whether due to linguistic limitations, ideological warnings or economic difficulties. Thanks to some agreements subscribed with the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) and the Barcelona City Council, the intersection of this double finding gave rise to the so-called ETSAB Visiting Studio, semi-annual workshops included in the fifth academic year in the Degree Programme.

During this first four years —chronologically—, Anupama Kundoo, Ricardo Bak Gordon, Stephen Bates, Olivier Philippe and Michel Hössler (Agence TER), Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta (RCR), Dietmar Eberle, Tony Fretton and Andrea Deplazes shared their experience with us. As illustrious proper names, they found the best partners among the young ETSAB teachers, for leading remarkable teaching duos. They were Carles Crosas, Eduardo Cadaval, Héctor Mendoza, Ángel Solanellas, Pilar Calderon, Judith Leclerc and Estel Ortega. To all of them, people and institutions, I must expres recognition and gratitude for making possible these first editions.

I have the privilege and satisfaction to introduce with these words the ETSAB Visiting Studio Collection, led by the AMB. We are deeply thankful to this institution and, in particular, to its manager Ramon Torra for his continued confidence in this exciting academic adventure, which I suspect it could become part of the future academic life of our School.

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