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38,00 €


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38,00 €

The objective of this book is to introduce the principles of
Business Administration in a format adapted to learning and
teaching within the European Higher Education Area. In order to
do this, it compiles and integrates the fundamental contents of
this basic social science subject into eight chapters, each
focussing on different basic aspects of firms.
The book is not intended merely as a means of acquiring basic
theoretical knowledge, but purposely aims to enhance
responsible, critical learning. The contents have been developed
with both the Spanish and international business worlds in mind.
There are numerous illustrations of business decisions and
events with short questions to foster discussion and debate for
group work, the classroom, seminars, group tutorials or as part
of any form of group learning. There are also short case studies
of firms and individual and group activities to back up and
develop the subjects covered, encouraging individual reflection,
self-criticism, reasoning on the basis of the material learned and
active participation in the classroom. The chapters are
complemented with self-assessment exercises and suggested
further reading, amongst other resources, designed to take
readers beyond the confines of the actual contents.
This book can, therefore, be of great use to undergraduates,
teaching staff, practitioners from the world of business and
absolutely anybody interested in Business Administration.

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