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"The Brothers of the Trinity order that none unconnected with their service shall be found in or on one of their Lights during the hours of darkness; but their servants can be made to think otherwise. If you are fair-spoken and take an interest in their duties, they will allow you to sit with them through the long night and help to scare the ships into mid-channel..."

Kipling, who as a novelist dramatized the ambivalence of the British colonial experience, was born of English parents in Bombay and as a child knew Hindustani better than English. He spent an unhappy period of exile from his parents (and the Indian heat) with a harsh aunt in England, followed by the public schooling that inspired his "Stalky" stories. He returned to India at 18 to work on the staff of the Lahore Civil and Military Gazette and rapidly became a prolific writer. His mildly satirical work won him a reputation in England, and he returned there in 1889.

From the author of the Jungle Books comes this collection of short works, including "The Disturber of Traffic,""A Conference of the Powers,""My Lord the Elephant,""His Private Honour," and many more. Originally published in 1893.

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Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling

(Bombay, 1865 - Londres, 1936)Escritor y poeta británico nacido en la India. Autor de relatos, cuentos infantiles, novelas y poesía. Perteneció a una familia de origen inglés; su padre, John Lockwood Kipling, era pintor y superintendente del Museo de Lahore. Pasó en la India los primeros años de su infancia. A los seis años fue enviado a Inglaterra, donde estudió en el United Services College de Westward Ho, en Devonshire, ambiente que luego describió en la novela “Stalky C”. Regresó a la India en 1882 para dedicarse al periodismo c... [Leer más]

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