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Murder and family secrets, a touch of romance and deeply-felt revenge - with the twist of all twists - make up the perfect page-turning thriller, One Good Deed. For all those who love mystery, crime, Raymond Chandler and Agatha Christie from one of the world's bestselling thriller writers, David Baldacci. In 1949, Aloysius Archer arrives in the dusty Southern town of Poca City. He has nothing but a handful of dollars, the clothes he's wearing and an appointment with his new parole officer. After his wartime experiences in Italy and a prison sentence for a crime he didn't commit, Archer is looking for a fresh start and a peaceful life. On his first night of freedom, Archer meets local business tycoon Hank Pittleman, who promises Archer handsome compensation to work as his debt collector. Yet Archer takes on more than he bargains for, as he becomes embroiled in a long-running feud between the drought-struck town's most dangerous residents. When one of them dies, the authorities label Archer as their number one suspect. A bloody game is being played above and below the law. Everybody playing has a deeply buried secret, and Archer must uncover them all - if he's to avoid going back behind bars.

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David Baldacci

David Baldacci

(Richmond, Virginia, 1960) Escritor estadounidense, licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y en Derecho por la Universidad de Virginia. Tras licenciarse ejerció como abogado durante nueve años cerca de Washington D.C., mientras escribía cuentos y guiones sin obtener el reconocimiento deseado. Este le llegó con su primera novela “Poder absoluto” (1996), que resultó ser un gran éxito a nivel internacional y fue adaptada al cine y protagonizada por Clint Eastwood y Gene Hackman.Desde entonces, es uno de los grandes nombres del género thriller ... [Leer más]

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