38,00 €


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38,00 €

Exhibition at the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza from October 11, 2022 to January 15, 2023 Pablo Picasso and Gabrielle Chanel worked together twice, both with Jean Cocteau: on Antigone (1922) and on Le Train Bleu (1924) by Serge Diaghilev for his Ballets Russes. The artist and the fashion designer met in the spring of 1917, probably through Cocteau or Misia Sert, and Chanel established a close and lasting friendship with both, which they introduced her to the circle of Picasso. He was related to the artist and his wife at a time when he participated actively in Diaghilev's company. Chanel became closely associated with the Parisian artistic and intellectual world of the period, to the point of declaring that "it is the artists who have taught me to be demanding". Uniting art and fashion once again, the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza presents an exhibition that explores the relationship between these two geniuses of the creation of the 20th century. Structured in four main sections, it follows a chronological order that It covers roughly the decade between 1915 and 1925. The Chanel style and

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