12,10 €


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12,10 €

'I was looking for a quiet place to die. Someone recommended Brooklyn, and so the next morning I travelled down there from Westchester to scope out the terrain...' So begins Paul Auster's remarkable new novel, "The Brooklyn Follies". Set against the backdrop of the contested US election of 2000, it tells the story of Nathan and Tom, an uncle and nephew double-act. One in remission from lung cancer, divorced, and estranged from his only daughter, the other hiding away from his once-promising academic career, and, indeed, from life in general. Having accidentally ended up in the same Brooklyn neighbourhood, they discover a community teeming with life and passion. When Lucy, a little girl who refuses to speak, comes into their lives, there is suddenly a bridge from their pasts that offers them the possibility of redemption.

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Paul Auster

Paul Auster

(Newark, Nueva Jersey, 1947) Escritor, traductor, guionista y director de cine estadounidense, figura entre los novelistas más influyentes del panorama literario actual. Proviene de una familia judía de clase media de ascendencia polaca. Estudió literatura francesa, italiana e inglesa en la Universidad de Columbia de New York. Tras un breve período en el que trabajó como marino en un petrolero, se estableció en Francia, desempeñando labores de traductor de autores franceses: Mallarmé, Sartre, Simenon, entre otros.Asentado de nuevo en N... [Leer más]

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