21,85 €

  • Editorial: ALFRED A. KNOPF
  • Año de edición:
  • ISBN: 978-0-307-27596-7
  • Páginas: 400
  • Colección: < Genérica >
  • Idioma: Español


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u003cpu003eu003ciu003eThe Cross of Redemptionu003c/iu003e is a revelation by an American literary master: a gathering of essays, articles, polemics, reviews, and interviews that have never before appeared in book form.u003cbru003e u003cbru003eJames Baldwin was one of the most brilliant and provocative literary figures of the past century, renowned for his fierce engagement with issues haunting our common history. In u003ciu003eThe Cross of Redemptionu003c/iu003e we have Baldwin discoursing on, among other subjects, the possibility of an African-American president and what it might mean; the hypocrisy of American religious fundamentalism; the black church in America; the trials and tribulations of black nationalism; anti-Semitism; the blues and boxing; Russian literary masters; and the role of the writer in our society.u003cbru003e u003cbru003eProphetic and bracing, u003ciu003eThe Cross of Redemptionu003c/iu003e is a welcome and important addition to the works of a cosmopolitan and canonical American writer who still has much to teach us about race, democracy, and personal and national identity. As Michael Ondaatje has remarked, “If van Gogh was our nineteenth-century artist-saint, Baldwin [was] our twentieth-century one.”u003c/pu003e

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