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The year is 1868, and Sherlock Holmes is fourteen. His life is that of a perfectly ordinary army officer?s son: boarding school, good manners, a classical education ? the backbone of the British Empire. But all that is about to change. With his father suddenly posted to India, and his mother mysteriously ?unwell?, Sherlock is sent to stay with his eccentric uncle and aunt in their vast house in Hampshire. So begins a summer that leads Sherlock to uncover his first murder, a kidnap, corruption and a brilliantly sinister villain of exquisitely malign intent . . .

Death Cloud is the first in a series of novels in which the iconic detective is reimagined as a brilliant, troubled and engaging teenager ? creating unputdownable detective adventures that remain true to the spirit of the original books.

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Andrew Lane

Andrew Lane

(Born, 1963)Escritor, periodista y guionista británico, ha publicado bajo el pseudónimo de Andy Lane. Estudió Física en la Universidad de Warwick, donde fue contemporáneo de Hinton y amigo de escritores como Justin Richards y Craig. Experto en la figura de Sherlock Holmes, se inspiró en él para crear toda una serie de libros de literatura infantil sobre las peripecias de un joven Sherlock Holmes.... [Leer más]

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