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In kidnapping cases, the first few hours are crucial. After that, the chances of being found alive go from slim to nearly none. Alex Prevost - beautiful, resourceful, tough - may be no ordinary victim, but her time is running out. Commandant Camille Verh/ven and his detectives have nothing to go on: no suspect, no lead, rapidly diminishing hope. All they know is that a girl was snatched off the streets of Paris and bundled into a white van. The enigma that is the fate of Alex will keep Verh/ven guessing until the bitter, bitter end. And before long, saving her life will be the least of his worries.

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Pierre Lemaitre

Pierre Lemaitre

(París, 1951)Escritor francés conocido por sus novelas de género negro y criminal, siendo ganador de numerosos premios como el Le Point o el Livre de Poche. Autor de más de diez novelas, Lemaitre ha sido traducido a trece idiomas y su obra Cadres Noirs fue adaptada al cine en 2012.Fue ganador del Premio Goncourt en 2013 por Nos vemos allá arriba.... [Leer más]

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