20,00 €

  • Año de edición:
  • Materia: Álbum ilustrado
  • ISBN: 978-84-16411-70-2
  • Páginas: 56
  • Encuadernación: Rústica
  • Colección: < Genérica >
  • Idioma: Español


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20,00 €

Tour an exhibition like never before! Have you ever wondered what art is? What it is for? What it is capable of? Art is actually capable of nearly everything: it is capable of making us travel back to the past and of foreseeing the future; it is capable of making us doubt, making us laugh, and it is also capable of transforming our way of seeing the world. Art is full of colours, shapes, volumes and textures, but it is above all full of ideas waiting for someone like you to come along and give them meaning. Because the great power of art, its superpower, is that of taking us by the hand, as a good friend would do, and leading us into an imaginary world where everything, absolutely everything, is possible. Imaginary Friends is a story by Claudia González Caparrós designed by Milimbo, based on an exhibition project by Martina Millà and Patrick Ronse for the Fundació Joan Miró. The catalogue includes works by Polly Apfelbaum, Kasper Bosmans, Martin Creed, Afra Eisma, Meschac Gaba, Jeppe Hein, Paola Pivi, Pipilotti Rist and Erwin Wurm

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