70,23 €

  • Editorial: AGOTADO - AM
  • Año de edición:
  • ISBN: 978-1-292-21473-3
  • Páginas: 688
  • Colección: < Genérica >
  • Idioma: Español


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u003cpu003eu003ciu003eFor courses in international business.u003c/iu003eu003c/pu003e u003cpu003eu003cbu003eInternational business through theory and practiceu003c/bu003eu003c/pu003e u003cpu003eBalancing authoritative theory and meaningful practice, u003cbu003eu003ciu003eInternational Businessu003c/iu003eu003c/bu003e engages students on the subject of conducting business in international markets. The authors' descriptions and ideas of international business are enhanced with contemporary examples, scenarios, and cases that help students effectively apply what they've learned. Now in its u003cbu003e16th Edition,u003c/bu003e u003cbu003eu003ciu003eInternational Businessu003c/iu003e u003c/bu003eremains one of the best-selling and most authoritative international business texts available. As rigorous and practical as ever, this edition remains current through updated author-written cases, including seven entirely new cases, streamlined writing, and expanded coverage of relevant global changes.u003c/pu003e u003cpu003e u003c/pu003e

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