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"The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck" is an original classic by Beatrix Potter. Poor Jemima. All she wants to do is lay her eggs in peace, and be allowed to hatch them herself. At last she flies off and finds the perfect place. Little does the silly duck realise that the charming gentleman who has lent her his woodshed is busily planning a delicious meal of ...roast duck! Jemima was a real duck belonging to Beatrix Potter, who lived at her farm, Hill Top. The story also features Beatrix's own sheepdog, Kep, who thankfully manages to save Jemima from a nasty fate! Beatrix Potter is regarded as one of the world's best-loved children's authors of all time.

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Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter

(Londres, 1866 – Near and Far Sawrey, 1943)Helen Beatrix Potter, conocida como Beatrix, nació el 28 de Julio de 1866 en Kensington, Londres. Beatrix adoraba dibujar animales y plantas revelando una fascinación temprana por el mundo natural que continuaría a lo largo de su vida. Beatrix fue invitada a estudiar hongos en el Royal Botanical Gardens de Kew, produciendo cientos de detallados dibujos botánicos, a la vez que investigaba su cultivo y crecimiento. Beatrix se convirtió así en un ilustrador científico experto. Antes de publicar su... [Leer más]

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