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Theodore Boone is the thirteen year old who knows more about the law than most adult lawyers. He certainly never expected to be the victim of crime himself. But then his bike is vandalised, he's attacked while doing his homework and, worst of all, framed for a robbery.
When stolen computer equipment turns up in Theo's school locker, the police start leaning on him hard. And he is the only suspect. What if he is found guilty? What about his dreams of becoming a lawyer?
In a race against time, aided by his renegade uncle, Ike, Theo must find the real felon and reveal the true motivation behind the crimes of which he stands accused.

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John Grisham

John Grisham

(Jonesboro, 1955)Novelista estadounidense conocido por sus thrillers judiciales. El segundo de cinco hermanos, nació en Jonesboro, Arkansas, en una modesta familia bautista. Su padre trabajaba como empleado de construcciones y cultivaba algodón. En 1967, después de varias mudanzas, la familia se estableció en la pequeña ciudad de Southaven en Misisipi. Alentado por su madre, el joven Grisham se convirtió en un ávido lector, especialmente influenciado por los libros de John Steinbeck. Se licenció en Derecho por la Mississippi State Unive... [Leer más]

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