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There's a new girl at St Clare's - and she has a pet goat!Kitty Flaherty is joining the third form, along with McGinty the goat! Thanks to Kitty's infectious laugh and McGinty's talent for eating everything, the girls know that this term is going to be full of fun.But it's also full of upset. Pat misses the first few weeks, thanks to a broken arm, and another new girl, Amanda, seizes the opportunity to become Isabel's new best friend. Will the twins overcome this rift?And if that's not enough, there's also a rivalry with the second formers and the actions of the cold Margaret Winters, deputy head girl, to contend with!There'll be more trouble at St Clare's!

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Enid Blyton

Enid Blyton

(East Dulwich, Inglaterra, 1897 – Londres, 1968)Escritora inglesa de literatura infantil. Hija mayor de Thomas Carey Blyton y Theresa Mary Harrison. Muy unida a su padre, le afectó mucho que este les abandonase para unirse a otra mujer. Estudió en la St. Christopher's School en Beckenham, donde fue la primera de su clase, y aprendió piano, tarea que abandonó para formarse como profesora. Durante cinco años fue institutriz en Bickley y Surbiton y mientras dedicaba su tiempo libre a la escritura. Tras la Primera Guerra Mundial, publicó s... [Leer más]

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